5 Adjustments Yield Spectacular Dividends in my Life

Still struggling to maintain a balance

Dr. Fatima Imam
3 min readJun 24, 2024


Photo by Sebastian Voortman:

After decades of following the herd, an array of failures, and after deep introspection, I’ve made some subtle yet transformative changes to pivot from wannabe to just me. Elimination of five things from life has brought me closer to a sustainable lifestyle where there are fewer dangers to my mental and physical well-being.

I have subtracted certain spices in my otherwise rich and diverse food palette to maintain taste without compromising flavours. Nothing extra is added to the foods except herbs that elevate aromas; all flux is excluded, just like in my life, where only positive people are welcomed.

A lot of caution is applied to deal with toxic elements, whether it’s food or my surroundings, leading to excessive cutting back and astonishing reduction of complexities. Thick walls of insulation keep me safe from inflammations, confrontations, and constant frustrations.

Spontaneity in action has increased abundance around me as I don’t wait, ponder, or calculate about pursuing happiness; I have adopted a happy mindset. Whatever the Universe throws at me, I accept it not as a burden…



Dr. Fatima Imam

Poet, writer, artist, historian, educator, advocate of underrepresented voices, and cat lover.