Can We Re-Evaluate the Popular Narrative to Assign Responsibility?

The risks are greater than ever**

Dr. Fatima Imam
3 min readFeb 21, 2024


Photo by Alexander Grey: https://www.pexels.com/photo/multicolored-abstract-illustration-1212406/

How does one add a voice to the mayhem? Why is there a need for such an endeavour? Who would care for self-reflection, self-assessment, and self-blame?

In this polarized world, we can go back as far as possible to check if we want to see the division between the right side and the wrong side of the triumph of the good over the evil.

Do we pay attention to the fact that the winners write the script by changing rules, erasing the achievements of the losers to start anew?

How do we know all the bad guys/gals are headed for purgatory and are one hundred percent sure that the good guys/gals are pious, honest, and brave individuals? What is the origin of such certainty?

Even fictional narratives create binary worlds, where the villains are depicted as the worst incarnations of the human spirit who can only be defeated by an angelic hero to save humanity.



Dr. Fatima Imam

Poet, writer, artist, historian, educator, advocate of underrepresented voices, and cat lover.